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Import Trip Plans

You or someone using this computer or device previously created Trip Plans.
What should we do with these plans?
Make these Trip Plans part of my account
Discard these Trip Plans


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Password Reset

Please enter the email you used to set up your account.
We'll send a link to use to reset your password.

Check Your Email

If there is an account with the email address , we will send you a link to reset your password

Free Ladies Golf Clinic

A fun opportunity to learn the basic fundamentals, rules, and etiquette of the game from a PGA Professional.

Who: Girls and Women of all ages.
Goal: Make Golf a fun game that can last a lifetime.
How to register: Contact the pro shop (435)226-1292 to signup or just show up for as little or as much instruction as you would like.
Do I need my own clubs? If you have them, bring them. Otherwise, we have clubs you can use.

648 S Hideout Way
Monticello, Utah 84535
State Parks

Customizable Directions


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