Photographic Exhibition by Bob Maynard
Saturday March 23rd 1pm – 3pm
The Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum presents Ancient Skies Through Ancient Eyes exhibition by photographer Bob Maynard. The exhibition opens to the public March 23, 2019, and features a selection of photographs from Maynard’s book on archeaoastronomy and night photography in the desert Southwest. Ancient Skies Through Ancient Eyes takes you on an exciting discovery of the unexpected abundance of ancient rock art and ruins in and around the Colorado Plateau of the American Southwest. It examines rock art styles and delves into ways the ancient ones used rock art panels and architecture to mark the passing of time and the seasons.
Bob Maynard is a national award-winning photographer who founded Colorado Plateau Photo Tours in 2009. As a resident of Boulder, Colorado, he has held federal permits in sixteen national parks, national monuments, or BLM areas and has led workshops in 9 states. Nearly one thousand photographers have used his services. He and his wife, Cindy, have published two books, A Photographer’s Guide to Colorado’s National Parks and Monuments, and Ancient Skies Through Ancient Eyes. He has given presentations to camera clubs in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Illinois, and Arizona. He was Chairman of the Louisville National Juried Photography Show for four years. He has received over two thousand photo credits.